" Do a cannonball!
Come on, man, just try it! "


a shengdao ARPG character card
(himbo registration: up to date)




Hey my name's Ribbs! Just a curious wanderer of the cornfields, who slaps wood and thinks often of shijis
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• Ribbs / ⚨ / 30s / us midwest / exfj
• hobbyist writer, worldbuilder, and sometimes artist, estoy tratando!!
• I love collaborating, exploring or building ideas together, etc; character and culture oriented; RP doesn't come natural to me, but I'm open to trying!
• I'm a little shy online, but I love meeting new folks. Plz don't hesitate to drop me a line!! <3
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Shengdao profile
Nauhahanta @ Discord (in server)
Personal website (ask to see!)


" The universe wants you to be healthy, man! "

Boujee spice vendor and certified non-GMO himbo, just a fella who wants to live well and help others do the same. 🌿


Name origin | Korean (파주)
Pronunciation | "PAW-joo"
Species | normal shiji-long
Age | equiv mid 20s of his 1st cycle
Gender | male
Clan | Qiáng
Occupation | exotic spice vendor
Residence | Tianshu
Settings | market, beach or pool, forest, gym
Family | big family back home
Sexuality | heterosexual and super chill
Soulmate | not atm, but searching
Temperament | phlegmatic



easygoing • sociable • fun-loving doofus • health-conscious


• EASYGOING. Paju can be found chilling by the pool, free of worry and coasting pleasantly through life. He's hydrated. He's in his lane. Honestly, there just aren't a lot of things that bother this guy.• SOCIABLE. Paju is a classic people person. He's genuinely easy to get along with and makes friends easily, often being the first to initiate conversations.• FUN-LOVING. Call him a hedonist, call him a clown; no matter the name, Paju loves having a good time. You can find him out here cracking jokes, slipping into parties, and in general playing around with others.• ABSOLUTE HEALTH NUT. If there's one thing that gets Paju on his feet, it's health and fitness. He's very passionate here, spending lots of time taking care of himself and encouraging others to do the same. Sadly, some of his practices can be a little... odd.• A LITTLE IMMATURE. Paju still has a lot of growing up to do. He knows. He tries. But when he gets excited, he can't help but be loud and a little crude-- the type to make "CPR certified but only for hot chicks" jokes.• some other traits... FLIRTY, KIND, A LITTLE DENSE TBH

Likes: sunning himself by the water, goofing off, foraging in nature, traveling, las tetas, flirting, parties, dancingDislikes: being called lazy, bad vibes, fights, sweets, thinking deeply, heavy topics


• from a small town south of Tianshu; his family is big, with him being the oldest of six kids• worked hard as a butcher's apprentice, saving to eventually move to Tianshu• not too long ago Paju finally made the move to Tianshu, and promptly threw together a little shop; he makes enough and lives simply• he's starting to finally make friends and get to know the area; and, with loving encouragement from his mom, he's also begun that long-fated search for his soulmate


• His shop is a junky little nook called Sunnyside. Come buy rare herbs and spices, as well as oils, incenses, and other mystical goodies!

• Voice: Speaks casually with an airheaded, sort of Chicano accent. Voiceclaim maybe a deeper, slower Eric Rivera.

• Avoids intoxication, drugs, and traditional medicine

• He's honestly garbage at a lot of things, but doesn't seem to mind. Can he pass in volleyball? No. Is it fun? Yeah!!

• Folks who see him at the pool all day might label him a loaf. But secretly, he's just... economic with his energy

• Among his wellness practices are: herbalism; exercise; the power of vibes & positive energization; healing crystals; tea & kombucha; yoga ; undertail sunning; getting naked and rolling in moss sometimes

• Tongue faster than brain. He tends to accidentally say the stupidest things.

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█ ░ ░ ░ ░ MAGIC
█ █ █ █ ░ HEART

• Weirdly good with kids, and hopes to have some of his own someday!



Paju is a big extrovert who loves to meet new shijis. Here are some good matches!
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• themes of: food, herbalism, water, new age mysticism• others might encounter this guy at: the beach, the pool, bustling marketplaces, the gym/dojo, foraging out in the wilderness, traveling• good chemistry, naturally! I love characters that contrast and bounce off each other well. Paju himself gravitates to people who are relaxed and hipsterish like himself• hot girls, calling all hot girls... Paju offers free breast exams, that's right, FREE!! He's a sexual freewheeler who's always down for a good bump and grind• however, Paju recently opened his heart to the idea of finding his Soulmate ♥ He hopes she wants kids, and that she has the patience to tolerate his weirdness